Tracer Electronics offers a complete line of metal detectors. We have a model to meet every need and application. Typically these systems are categorized as Ferrous metal type and All metal type. If manhole lids and valve boxes are your primary targets, then Ferrous metal type is preferred. Other features that separate them are operational depth, a user interface such as displays, etc., and price.
Ferrous metal detectors are perfect for utility applications. They only detect manhole lids, valve boxes, pins, etc. They do NOT see coins, cans, etc.
The VM-880 from Vivax-Metrotech is the newest ferrous metal detector on the market. It offers carbon-fiber antenna housing for extreme lightweight (only 1.54lbs), LCD dot matrix display for signal strength, and field polarity meter to help identify edges of horizontal targets such as buried manhole lids and identifying vertical targets like concealed property pins. Also unique is the 60Hz proximity warning and the ability to invert the screen when locating vertical targets.
The ID 2100 from Magnawand provides audible and LED indication as well as field polarity. This model features patented Target Identification (TID). This model is the most sensitive and affordable in this market segment and very popular with everyday users of ferrous metal detectors. Magnawand is an OEM manufacturer.
The ST-102 from DW-SitePro SMART-TRAK w/Smart-Search provides ERASE features and NORTH/SOUTH POLARITY. The Smart-Trak design features ruggedized aluminum construction, durable rubber protection on touchpoints, and an LCD. Made in USA.
The ST-101 from DW-SitePro is the standard model, which features premium performance at an affordable price. The Smart-Trak design features ruggedized aluminum construction, durable rubber protection on touchpoints, and an LCD. Made in USA.
The M-100 from CST Berger magnetometer with both audible and visual indication offers an LCD.
The M-102 magnetometer from CST Berger offers both audible and visual indication and LCD w/Erase function.
The M-200 magnetometer from CST Berger offers both audible and visual indication, pushbutton keypad, and LCD.
The M-202 magnetometer from CST Berger offers both audible and visual indication, pushbutton keypad, and LCD w/Erase function.
The vScanM Pipe & Cable Avoidance System with integrated Metal Detector offers two active line locating frequencies (33kHz / 131kHz) and power & passive radio modes. Its built-in Metal Detector provides a perfect transition into lid and valve box detecting. The vScanM and its affordable pricing is the ideal locator/metal detector system for contractors of all types.
The VM-585 offers three active frequencies (512Hz / 8kHz & 83kHz) and 60Hz power passive mode and Ferrous Metal mode. The VM-585 also includes 8KFF for use with the VM-510 stand-alone a-frame fault locator. The VM-585 is the perfect choice when an affordable all-in-one locating system is needed.
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