The VM-560 Compact Multi-Frequency Locator by Vivax-Metrotech is the latest generation of the very popular and affordable Metrotech 530 series legacy locators. The VM-560 locator incorporates a state-of-the-art digital electronics platform, digital display, advanced gain control, push-button depth, offering faster and accurate location of cable drops and pipes. In addition, the use of ABS and carbon-fiber materials make the VM-550 series one of the most affordable and lightweight locators ever developed. The VM-560 offers both 512Hz & 8kHz for pipe and cable locating and 480kHz for challenging locates, e.g., tracer wire applications, i.e., gas distribution, water pipe, and especially broken tracer wire. Another important application for 480kHz is street-light circuits, especially when direct connection is not an option.
Application: 512Hz and 8kHz is for standard cable & pipe locating. 480kHz is perfect for all difficult conductors, e.g., concentric neutral cables, street light circuits, and damaged tracer wires.
Frequencies: 60Hz (passive), 512Hz, 8kHz & 480kHz (using transmitter), 8KFF (using VM-510FFL a-frame)